About Lin Lang Creative
My name is Lindsay Langsdale it’s a very long name so I shortened it a little for my artwork - “Lin Lang.” I am the face behind Lin Lang Creative, as well as, a ceramic artist, a teacher, and the owner of Brick and Mortar Studios in San Francisco.
I’m a multi-disciplinary artist that has formal education in painting and illustration. I have spent the last 9 years building my creative practice around clay. My current body of ceramic work includes both sculpture and functional wares. It explores my love of knitting, puppetry and childhood nostalgia from the 80’s and 90’s. My goal is to trick people into thinking each piece is actually soft textile. The surprise that people have when they realize something I’ve made is actually ceramic is incredibly entertaining and satisfies the trickster in me.
When I’m not making my own work I’m running Brick and Mortar Studios, a small community ceramic arts facility in San Francisco. I was able to open the doors to the studio in August of 2021 after raising 20k through crowd funding. Brick and Mortar is my personal studio, my heart, and a space that allows me to collaborate and facilitate the growth of other ceramic artists. I’m incredibly grateful to be building such a vibrant and collaborative community space. It’s humbling and hard work, but also a labor of love.
If you would like to know more about Lindsay Langsdale feel free to send a message through the contact page.